RealmCrafter Wiki

Created by Taz.

Using "RC_Core.rcm"
; Morgance Online 0.1
; Date/Time: 7:32:27 AM on 7/13/2012
; By Dan Seguin on TAZCO-PC

;i got it figured out, becouse in the attack if player texture = 5 
;they must be invisable give 100% chance at crit do alittle extra damage 
;and then make them visable again. :) ok had to tell you that. lol

;Change vampie texture to 5 to turn them invisable.

;when a necro skill is added could add a different invisable texture, if level is higher then amount make them harder to see.
Function Main()
Player = Actor()
Target = ContextActor()
VampBlood% = Attribute(Player, "Blood")
AbilityCost% = 25

TotBloodCost% = VampBlood - AbilityCost
;--------------------------------Vampire Check----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;If vamp dont tell player they cant use a pet in this form            
                IsVamp% = ActorId("Vampire", "Form")
                PRace$ = Race(Player)     
                PClass$ = Class(Player)
                PlayerID% =ActorID(PRace, PClass)
                           IsVampfly% = ActorHasEffect(Player, "Vampire Fly") 
                            If (IsVampfly = 1) ; if vamp flying allow ability couse they are still a vampire.
                                PlayerID% = ActorId("Vampire", "Form")
                If Not (IsVamp = PlayerID) ;if player is not a vampire
                    ;check what form they are in.
                IsSaber% = ActorHasEffect(Player, "Saber")
                IsSAberCat% = ActorHasEffect(Player, "Saber Cat")

                    If (IsSaber = 1) ;in saber form tell player.
                    ;player is in saber form used in speed check  
                    OutPut(Player, "You can not use a vampire abiility in saber form.", 255, 34, 12)
                    ElseIf (IsSAberCat = 1)
                        ;player is in saber cat form used in speed check 

                        OutPut(Player, "You can not use a vampire abiility in saber cat form.", 255, 34, 12)
                    Else ;until other fors are added player must be human so tell them.
                            OutPut(Player, "You can not use a vampire abiility in human form.", 255, 34, 12)

;----------------------------End Vampire Check----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    If ActorHasEffect(Player, "Attacking")
        OutPut(Player, "You can not go invisable if your in combat.")   
 IfVisable% = ActorClothes(Player)
     If (IfVisable = 5)
        SetActorClothes(Player, 1) ;make vamp visable again
       If (VampBlood < AbilityCost)
        OutPut(Player, "You do not have enough blood for that.", 255, 0, 0)
         SetActorClothes(Player, 5) ; put vampire invisable
        SetAttribute(Player, "Blood", TotBloodCost)
 End Function